Tor is a name that is synonymous with online privacy.
The Tor network which works by routing online traffic through multiple nodes/relays so as to conceal its origin is mainly accessed through the Tor browser.
On the desktop, users have access to the Tor browser app just like they have access to Opera, Chrome and Firefox, to enhance their privacy.
On mobile, users can only access the Tor network through proxy apps like the Guardian Project’s Orbot app, an application that came highly recommended recently to attendees of the Kenya Information and Communication Technology Action Network (KICTANET) Digital Security training in Nairobi in early March.
When using Orbot, one needs to install Orfox, the Tor browser for Android, in order to ensure their privacy is at least protected and their online trail anonymised.
Going forward, as soon as later this year, there might be a new and easy way to cover our tracks online: through yet another Tor browser app.
This new Tor browser, according to a post on the Tor forums, will supersede the Orfox browser app and be updated as regularly as the Tor browser app on the desktop.
Details on it are sketchy but here’s to hoping that it arrives much earlier and that development on Orbot, which is necessary for routing traffic through the Tor network, doesn’t stall, ever.