We live in an era where people would often choose their smartphones over their friends. An era where if an event is not posted on social media networks, then it did not happen.
With most of us enjoying the convenience of connecting to the Internet, using smartphones to download apps, live stream videos, shop online or even check for news has become the norm – as we love the ability to be able to connect instantly to ‘the world’ from the palm of our hands. However, far too many have never considered what they would do if they fell victim to a cyberattack while being connected. Considering that approximately 3.7 billion people use the Internet – many may think their chances of falling victim are slim, and so they don’t protect the information on their phone.
While people believe that this will not happen to them – the reality is that 10,000 Facebook users around the world, where infected by a malware in two days which succeeded in hijacking Facebook accounts, last year. So, what would you do if you did lose all the information, contacts, photos and videos on your phone? How would you recover the information or make sure that lost information is protected?
These three top tips will assist in protecting you and your smartphone so that you enjoy your time online – stress free:
1. Install a good Internet security app
A good Internet security app, like Kaspersky Internet Security for Android, gives you the freedom to surf the internet safely. Not only will a security app block internet scams or threats from cybercriminals who may want to steal your personal details for their own gain, but it will also block any scams/threats that are circulating online – so, for example, no one is able to pretend to be you on social media or other chat apps.
2. Always check the url
Cybercriminals are always trying to create fake websites for famous brands. While these websites look real, always look at the url bar of your browser. You should see ‘https’ – not ‘http’ – at the start of the URL, and a small padlock symbol next to it. This is a sign that tells you that the website is safe to use and not a fake one set up to steal personal information when you log in.
3. Don’t just download the app – research it
Just like all things, do your homework. Make sure you check out all the information about any app you may want to download – first. Check who the publishers are and people’s reviews of the app, as this will tell you if this is a good app for your smartphone. Also, always download from a credible app store/platform.
It is always best to take preventative measures prior to your smartphone being infected, as cybercriminals are always trying to find new ways to trick you into becoming a cybercrime victim. Be vigilant and stay protected!
Image: AwesomelyTechie
[DISCLOSURE: This article has been produced by Kaspersky Lab. Any opinion or advice contained therein is strictly that of the producer and does not necessarily reflect the editorial stance of Android Kenya or its editors on either the matter at hand or other subjects.]