You have not really used Android if you have not done two things: rooted your Android device and done anything you could to sideload paid apps.
Back in the day, in 2013, AppGratis was all the rage when it finally became available on Android after years of being an iOS-exclusive. Apple had kicked it out of its App Store citing violations of several terms. It was easy to guess where the AppGratis team would turn to next: Android. We love our apps free on Android and AppGratis was just a perfect match back then. A free paid app every day? Why not? Sign me up! I was quite the AppGratis fan (see this Google+ list I made then).
So we indulged. And indulged. Somewhere along the way some of us (like myself) got tired of the repetitive app deals daily and moved on to other things. Like actually paying the full amount for apps we liked just to keep the ecosystem alive and support developers. Some have stuck around. Whatever the case, all that ended two weeks ago when AppGratis finally shut its doors.
A statement from the AppGratis team ends on an emotional note. “7 years…. AppGratis lived, AppGratis died.”