Samsung’s Galaxy S8 comes with a feature I really like: the ability to stream Bluetooth audio to two devices simultaneously or as Samsung wants us to call it, Dual Audio. I don’t have the Galaxy S8, yet, but I still listen to music using portable Bluetooth speakers. I can tell you for free that switching between them, the only option I have right now, is never an easy task. Going forward, however, that will be a thing of the past because I have just discovered this nice little app: Bluetooth Speaker Switch.
With the application installed, just turn on Bluetooth on your Android device, launch the app and let it list the Bluetooth devices it can scan and find. It will detect any paired Bluetooth audio devices and let you switch between them as many times as you want at just the touch of a button. Problem solved.
The application is available for free on the Play Store with ads while ponying up about Kshs 200 ($2) will let you do away with the ads, be able to rename the Bluetooth audio devices detected and access to the app’s widgets which you can then pin to your device’s Android launcher home screen.