A few days ago, Telegram finally started rolling out encrypted voice calls to users after weeks of testing with a small subset of users who could get a hold of the beta application. For those of us who had enrolled in the beta like yours truly, we simply transitioned from calling a few contacts through the beta app to calling everyone we wanted through the stable version of the app that is accessible to all.
That was fun while it lasted because since voice calls were restricted to users in western Europe, anyone in Kenya or some other region that did not have official access to the feature (which is pretty much everywhere else) had to rely on users who had the feature to activate it for them.
For Telegram users in Kenya and Africa at large, that is no longer going to be necessary as the feature is now available to all through the version 3.18.1 update already available via the Google Play Store for a few hours now.
The update is a little under 4MB so hit the Play Store and get calling everyone you know who’s on Telegram. Calls are crispy and there’s no lag as we encountered in the test builds of the app.