Telegram, an important messaging platform, is getting a few novel features in its latest update, version 4.2.
Going forward, just as is the case on other social media platforms and some messenger apps, Telegram users will be able to add a short descriptive text on their profiles (read: bio) to tell the world who they are. This, to me, is an important feature because every now and then I receive messages from readers of this blog and other people with tips or looking to know one thing or the other who are complete strangers. If I can click on their profiles and find a line or two that properly describes them then the better!
Other features in the 4.2 update include a new enhanced way of editing photos, the ability to set a self-destructing timer (important when sharing critical media) for photos and videos shared in Telegram’s popular private chats where everything, even screenshots, is logged, the ability to enlarge the sticker area when you’re adding one and not having to make do with an eighth of your mammoth phone’s 6-inch display and better content caching to ensure speedy access to photos and videos for users in large Telegram groups (i.e. with 100,000 or more users).
Have you received the Android 4.2 update yet? It’s been out since last evening. Hit the Play Store right away and add that bio! While at it, join the Android Kenya Telegram channel.
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