All’s well that comes to an end.
For Google’s Top Developer program, on its Google Play platform, the end is nigh.
Look at these screenshots below:
Do you see that blue badge right next to the app developer’s name?
In Androidland, that is a badge of honour. It is a mark that one has been recognized by Google Play’s editorial team as a “Top Developer”.
Google introduced the program, among others like Editor’s Choice, as part of its efforts to encourage development of high quality and innovative applications for its then-nascent Android platform. However, since the Top Developer program’s emergence years ago, the Android platform has since grown to cater to billions of users and the focus on individual developer accounts instead of the specific applications from such developer accounts may have been overtaken by events. Cognizant of that fact, Google is reportedly pulling the plug on the program.
Over the next 30-day period, Google will shutter the program and in its place, Google will introduce something else.
According to emails that Google is sending out to Android developers who have content on Google Play, emphasis will now be placed on individual applications instead of entire developer accounts.
“We conducted research, with both developers and consumers, and observed a clear value and preference for the recognition of individual apps and games, instead of entire organizations.
After taking a look at our existing app recognition programs, the Google Play editorial team has decided to focus its efforts on recognizing high quality and innovative apps and games,” reads a part of the email sent out to developers as seen by the hawk-eyed guys over at Android Police.