What would possibly interest sworn Android diehards in an Apple device powered by the platform we love to not love? Everything, apparently.
Not only is the Apple iPad the most successful tablet in history (well, after Moses’ tablets), it is also the only tablet you should consider if you are in the market for one. Actually, as things are turning out, it may be the only computer you should consider buying at this point. It’s pricey, yes, but so are the options you are considering.
Actually, when you explore the various models on offer and do your math, the opposite should turn out to be true.
Chenze, Dickson and Kanali explore the iPad’s market dominance, irresistible feature set and the failure of Android tablets to transition many of the mobile-first users, who have their smartphones as their first and, probably, only computers, into getting them as their computer, something that Apple’s iconic tablet is already doing.
Buckle up for a dose of the only Apple gushing you’re likely to ever witness on an Android-centred platform like Android Kenya:
Listen to it here:
The podcast can be listened to via any of your favourite podcast app including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and more.
This podcast was recorded and edited on the iPad Pro. This article was composed, edited and published on the iPad Pro. See where we are going with this? Enjoy!