Zuri, Safaricom’s chatbot, is finally on WhatsApp. That much we know already, don’t we?
It is one of the various customer touchpoints that Kenya’s largest mobile network operator is using in order to be able to make it easy for its millions of customers to get served quickly.
How do you get to that point where you can be conversing with Zuri, though?
There are a number of ways.
1. Add Zuri to your contacts list
This is simple and straight forward.
Go to the Contacts app on your smartphone or the dialer. Type Zuri’s WhatsApp Business number, 0722000100, hit save! Just that.
Now, every other time you need to chat up Zuri to help with something, just open WhatsApp and search for Zuri. You’ll be having your issues sorted in seconds.
2. [Recommended] Use
If, like many of us would be, you are reading this from your smartphone, just click . On phone, this will take you straight to WhatsApp so that you can start charting with Zuri right away.
On other devices, like, desktop computers, where WhatsApp desktop is installed and one is signed in, by going with the appropriate response to its prompt, one can just head over there. Or, it can take them to WhatsApp Web. None of these options is that convenient as either requires one to have their mobile phone with them and WhatsApp open since WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp Desktop simply mirror the phone app and don’t run their own instances of the app.
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